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Transition from Rain-fed to Irrigation-fed Agriculture in Rural Areas to Exacerbate Urban Water Scarcity
  • +2
  • Lokendra Singh Rathore,
  • Mukesh Kumar,
  • Naota Hanasaki,
  • Mesfin Mergia Mekonnen,
  • Pushpendra Raghav
Lokendra Singh Rathore
University of Alabama
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Mukesh Kumar
University of Alabama

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Naota Hanasaki
National Institute for Environmental Science
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Mesfin Mergia Mekonnen
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
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Pushpendra Raghav
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
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Irrigation expansion is often posed as a promising option to enhance food security. Here, we assess the influence of expansion of irrigation, primarily in rural areas of the contiguous United States (CONUS), on the intensification and spatial proliferation of surface freshwater scarcity. Our study shows that the rainfed to irrigation-fed (RFtoIF) transition of water-scarce croplands can impact scarcity in both transitioned and non-transitioned regions, with the magnitude of impact being dependent on multiple factors including local water demand, abstractions in the river upstream, and the buffering capacity of ancillary water sources to cities. Overall, RFtoIF transition will result in an additional 169.6 million hectares or 22% of the total CONUS land area facing moderate or severe water scarcity. Analysis of just the 53 large urban clusters with 146 million residents shows that the transition will result in 97 million urban population facing water scarcity for at least one month per year on average versus 82 million before the irrigation expansion. While these reported figures are subject to simulation uncertainties despite efforts to exercise due diligence, the study unambiguously underscores the need for strategies aimed at boosting crop productivity to incorporate the effects on water availability throughout the entire extent of the flow networks, instead of solely focusing on the local level. The results further highlight that if irrigation expansion is poorly managed, it may increase urban water scarcity, thus also possibly increasing the likelihood of water conflict between urban and rural areas.
02 Apr 2023Submitted to ESS Open Archive
04 Apr 2023Published in ESS Open Archive