Wind- and sea-ice-driven interannual variability of Antarctic Bottom
Water formation
Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is a major component of the global
overturning circulation, originating around the Antarctic continental
margin. In recent decades AABW has both warmed and freshened, but there
is also evidence of large interannual variability. The causes of this
underlying variability are not yet fully understood, in part due to a
lack of ocean and air-sea-ice flux measurements in the region.
Here, we simulate the formation and export of AABW from 1958 to 2018
using a global, eddying ocean–sea-ice model in which the four AABW
formation regions and transports agree reasonably well with
observations. The simulated formation and export of AABW exhibits strong
interannual variability which is not correlated between the different
formation regions. Reservoirs of very dense waters at depth in the
Weddell and Ross Seas following 1-2 years of strong surface water mass
transformation can lead to higher AABW export for up to a decade. In
Prydz Bay and at the Adélie Coast in contrast, dense water reservoirs do
not persist beyond 1 year which we attribute to the narrower shelf
extent in the East Antarctic AABW formation regions. The main factor
controlling years of high AABW formation are weaker easterly winds,
which reduce sea ice import into the AABW formation region, leaving
increased areas of open water primed for air-sea buoyancy loss and
convective overturning. Our study highlights the variability of
simulated AABW formation in all four formation regions, with potential
implications for interpreting trends in observational data using only
limited duration and coverage.