Fully Passive Noise-Shaping SAR ADC Realizing 2X Passive Gain Without
Capacitor Stacking
The fully passive noise shaping (NS) successive approximation register
(SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are simple, OTA-free and
scaling friendly. Previous passive NS-SAR ADCs rely on the
multi-path-input comparator or capacitors stacking to realize the
passive gain for compensating the signal attenuation during passive
integration. However, the former causes high comparator power
consumption, and the latter suffers from additional signal attenuation
due to the parasitics and is hard to extend to high-order systems. This
work proposes a new fully passive NS-SAR technique, it can realize 2×
gain with a simple structure, leading to the reduced comparator power
and less parasitics. This technique is also easy to extend to high-order