Three-dimensional Ocean Surface Layer Response to Rain, Wind bursts and
Diurnal Heating
In the tropical ocean, diurnal heating and the formation of atmospheric
convection cells associated with local precipitation events, cold pools
and wind bursts, have been shown to impact air-sea exchange and the
structure of the ocean surface layer. Here, we use a high-resolution
regional ocean model, forced by an atmospheric Large Eddy Simulation
(LES) that explicitly resolves these processes in a realistic scenario
in the tropical north-east Atlantic Ocean, to study their impact on the
ocean surface layer and parameterized air-sea fluxes. We find that the
oceanic heat loss is, unexpectedly, reduced in the presence of cold
pools by on average 30 W m-2 due to the higher air humidity, weaker mean
winds, and increased cloud cover. Our results also show that the total
non-solar heat flux is dominated by the diurnal cycle of the trade
winds, rather than by diurnal heating. In the ocean surface layer, local
wind bursts, rain layers, and cloud shading induce a strong lateral
variability in the strength and depth of Diurnal Warm Layers,
questioning the local applicability of available bulk parameterizations.
From a series of numerical tracer experiments, we identify a new
shear-dispersion mechanism, induced by the Diurnal jet, that is
reflected in an extreme anisotropy of horizontal dispersion with
diffusivities of order 10-100 m2 s-1.