Martina Stockhause

and 5 more

Within the climate modeling community, the complex citation issue has been discussed for a decade in the context of research traceability and data citation/data impact. The traceability requires fine-granular information on individual datasets, whereas meaningful data impact analysis relies on data citations on large data collections of data belonging to and individual model run or to a model experiment. To this date, it is not yet possible to achieve both goals with one technical solution. Suggestions for combinations of DOIs on data collections and user-defined PID collections of data subsets across several DOIs have not been taken up (see Stockhause et al., 2013).The IPCC FAIR Guidelines introduced in the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) aimed to enhance the transparency of the AR6 and its outcomes by documenting the figure creation process (Pirani et al., 2022). Many figures are based on large numbers of datasets hosted in various repositories. Citing every dataset in the captions is not feasible. User-defined data collections utilizing data provenance records could be included in a caption, but lack the information about the authors and funders of the individual objects required for data citation and data impact analysis.The exchange on complex citation difficulties intensified at the AGU 2020 within the Community of Practice and led to the establishment of the RDA Complex Citation Working Group (WG). The WG brings all stakeholders together. It aims to provide recommendations for citing a large number of existing objects in a way that allows to properly assign credit for individual objects.