Multi-Resonance Dual-Polarised Symmetrically Cross-Slotted Square Patch
Antenna for 5G Millimeter-Wave Broadband Applications
A dual-polarized symmetrically cross-slotted square patch (SCSSP)
antenna with multimode resonance is proposed for 5G millimeter-wave
broadband applications. A symmetrical cross-slot is etched on the square
patch surface to change the original E-field distribution where a whole
square patch is cut into four disconnected equal parts. For both
polarizations, this etching also tunes the resonance frequencies of the
two modes to be sufficiently close to each other. Therefore, the antenna
can realize good impedance performance within the wide designated
bandwidth. Dual-polarized radiation of the SCSSP is vertically excited
by three bow-tie-shaped slots and fed by two orthogonal substrate
integrated coaxial lines. Simulated and measured results show that the
fabricated prototype achieves a broad overlapped impedance bandwidth of
50.0% (24-40 GHz), isolation higher than 30 dB between the two input
ports, stable radiation pattern, and low cross-polarization over the
operating band. Moreover, the proposed SCSSP antenna with compact size,
planar shape, and simple vertical feeding is very well-suited for
two-dimensional array design.