Evaluation on the Steady-state Assumption of the Global Vegetation
Carbon from Multi-Decadal Space-borne Observations
Vegetation turnover time (τ) is a central ecosystem property to quantify
the global vegetation carbon dynamics. However, our understanding of
vegetation dynamics is hampered by the lack of long-term observations of
the changes in vegetation biomass. Here we challenge the steady state
assumption of τ by using annual changes in vegetation biomass that
derived from remote-sensing observations. We evaluate the changes in
magnitude, spatial patterns, and uncertainties in vegetation carbon
turnover times from 1992 to 2016. We found that the forest ecosystem is
close to a steady state at global scale, contrasting with the larger
differences between τ under steady state and τ under non-steady state at
the grid cell level. The observation that terrestrial ecosystems are not
in a steady state locally is deemed crucial when studying vegetation
dynamics and the potential response of biomass to disturbance and
climatic changes.