A method for estimating global subgrid-scale gravity-wave temperature
perturbations in chemistry-climate models
Many chemical processes depend non-linearly on temperature.
Gravity-wave-induced temperature perturbations have been previously
shown to affect atmospheric chemistry, but accounting for this process
in chemistry-climate models has been a challenge because many gravity
waves have scales smaller than the typical model resolution.
Here, we present a method to account for subgrid-scale orographic
gravity-wave-induced temperature perturbations on the global scale for
the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM).
The method consists of deriving the temperature perturbation amplitude
$\hat{T}$ consistent with the model’s subgrid-scale
gravity wave parametrization, and imposing $\hat{T}$
as a sinusiodal temperature perturbation in the model’s chemistry
Because of limitations in the gravity wave parameterization, scaling
factors may be necessary to maintain a realistic wave amplitude.
We explore scaling factors between 0.6 and 1 based on comparisons to
altitude-dependent $\hat{T}$ distributions in two
observational datasets.
We probe the impact on the chemistry from the grid-point to global
scales, and show that the parametrization is able to represent mountain
wave events as reported by previous literature.
The gravity waves for example lead to increased surface area densities
of stratospheric aerosols.
This in turn increases chlorine activation, with impacts on the
associated chemical composition.
We obtain large local changes in some chemical species (e.g., active
chlorine, NOx, N2O5)
which are likely to be important for comparisons to airborne or
satellite observations, but find that the changes to ozone loss are more
This approach enables the chemistry-climate modeling community to
account for subgrid-scale gravity wave temperature perturbations in a
consistent way.