Statistical Analysis of the Differential Deep Penetration of Energetic
Electrons and Protons Into the Low L Region (L<4)
Deep penetration of energetic electrons (10s-100s of keV) to low
L-shells (L<4), as an important source of inner belt
electrons, is commonly observed during geomagnetically active times.
However, such deep penetration is not observed as frequently for similar
energy protons, for which underlying mechanisms are not fully
understood. To study their differential deep penetration, we conducted a
statistical analysis using phase space densities (PSD) of μ=10-50 MeV/G,
K=0.14 G^1/2Re electrons and protons from multi-year Van Allen Probes
observations. The results suggest systematic differences in electron and
proton deep penetration: electron PSD enhancements at low L-shells occur
more frequently, deeply, and faster than protons. For μ=10-50 MeV/G
electrons, the occurrence rate of deep penetration events (defined as
daily-averaged PSD enhanced by at least a factor of 2 within a day at
L<4) is ~2-3 events/month. For protons, only
~1 event/month was observed for μ=10 MeV/G, and much
fewer events were identified for μ>20 MeV/G. Leveraging
dual-Probe configurations, fast electron deep penetrations at
L<4 are revealed: ~70% of electron deep
penetration events occurred within ~9 hours;
~8%-13% occurred even within 3 hours, with lower-μ
electrons penetrating faster than higher-μ electrons. These results
suggest non-diffusive radial transport as the main mechanism of electron
deep penetrations. In comparison, proton deep penetration happens at a
slower pace. Statistics also show that the electron PSD radial gradient
is much steeper than protons prior to deep penetration events, which can
be responsible for these differential behaviors of electron and proton
deep penetrations.