Regional characteristics of variability in the Northern Hemisphere
wintertime polar front jet and subtropical jet in observations and CMIP6
Variability in the position and strength of the subtropical jet (STJ)
and polar front jet (PFJ) streams has important implications for global
and regional climate. Previous studies have related the position and
strength of the STJ to tropical thermodynamic processes, whereas the
position and strength of the PFJ are more associated with mid-latitude
eddies. These conclusions have largely resulted from studies using
idealized models. In this study, ERA-Interim reanalysis and CMIP6 global
climate models are used to examine month-to-month and interannual
variability of the wintertime Northern Hemisphere (NH) STJ and PFJ. This
study particularly focuses on the regional characteristics of the jet
variability, extending previous studies on zonal-mean jet streams.
Consistent with idealized modeling studies, a close relationship is
found between tropical outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and the STJ,
and between mid-latitude surface temperature gradients and the PFJ.
Variations of both jets are also linked to well-known teleconnection
patterns. Variations in tropical convection over the Pacific Ocean are
associated with variations of the NH STJ at most longitudes, with
different phases of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) associated
with the shift and strengthening of the STJ in different regions. CMIP6
models generally capture these relationships, but the models’ tropical
convection is often displaced westward when compared to observations,
reflecting a climatological bias in OLR in the western tropical Pacific
Ocean in many models. The displaced tropical convection in models
excites different paths of Rossby wave propagation, resulting in
different ENSO teleconnections on the STJ over North America and Europe.