Logjams and channel morphology influence sediment storage,
transformation of organic matter, and carbon storage within mountain
stream corridors
The flow of organic matter (OM) along rivers and its retention within
floodplains are fundamental to the function of aquatic and riparian
ecosystems and are significant components of terrestrial carbon storage
and budgets. Carbon storage and ecosystem processing of OM largely
depends upon hydrogeomorphic characteristics of streams and valleys. To
examine the role of channel complexity on carbon dynamics in mountain
streams, we (1) quantify organic carbon (OC) storage in sediment and
wood along 24 forested stream reaches in the Rocky Mountains of CO,
U.S.A., (2) employ six years of logjam surveys and examine related
morphological factors that regulate sediment and carbon storage, and (3)
utilize fluorescence spectroscopy to examine how the composition of OM
in surface water and floodplain soil leachates is influenced by valley
and channel morphology. We find that lower-gradient stream reaches in
unconfined valley segments at high elevations store more OC per area
than higher-gradient reaches in more confined valleys, and those at
lower elevations. We find that limited storage of fine sediment and
increased mineralization of OC in multithread channel reaches decrease
storage per area compared to simpler single-thread channel reaches.
Results suggest that the positive feedbacks between channel complexity
and persistent channel-spanning logjams that force multiple channels to
flow across valley bottoms limit the aggradation of floodplain fine
sediment, and promote hotspots for the transformation of OM. These
multithread hotspots likely increase ecosystem productivity and
ecosystem services by filtering dissolved organic carbon with potential
to decrease contaminants associated with organic matter from surface