Relationship Between Atmospheric Rivers and the Dry Season Extreme
Precipitation in Central-Western Mexico
Atmospheric rivers (AR) are long, narrow jets of moisture transport
responsible for over 90% of moisture transport from the tropics to
higher latitudes, covering only between 2% and 10% of the earth’s
surface. ARs have a significant impact on the hydrological cycle of
midlatitudes and polar regions, which has resulted in a large effort to
study ARs and their impacts on these regions. It is not until recently
that ARs in tropical latitudes are starting to generate interest within
the scientific AR community.
We use the ERA-20C reanalysis and the Bayesian AR detector TECA-BARD to
show the relationship between extreme precipitation and atmospheric
rivers in central-western Mexico (CWM) during the dry seasons
(November-March) in the 1900-2010 period.
We find that more than 25% of extreme precipitation amount and
frequency are associated with ARs, with a maximum of 60%-80% during
December and January near the coast of Sinaloa (107.5W,25N). Composites
of the mean meteorological state show “ideal” conditions for
orographic precipitation due to landfalling ARs: high horizontal vapor
transport perpendicular to the Sierra Madre. We observe a tropospheric
wave pattern in vertical velocity, surface pressure, and geopotential
height associated with these events. The nature and evolution of these
waves need to be further studied. Our results suggest that TECA-BARD
provides a reasonable estimation for AR presence in CWM. Nevertheless,
we recommend using multiple AR detectors and one tuned explicitly for
tropical latitudes. This will allow investigation of the response of CWM
landfalling ARs and the region’s hydroclimatology under future climate