Quantification of Volcano Deformation caused by Volatile Accumulation
and Release
Crustal-stored magma reservoirs contain exsolved volatiles which
accumulate in the reservoir roof, exerting a buoyancy force on the
crust. This produces surface uplift and sudden loss of volatiles through
eruption results in syn-eruptive subsidence. Here, we present
three-dimensional, visco-elasto-plastic, numerical modeling results
which quantify the ground deformation arising from the growth and
release of a volatile reservoir. Deformation is independent of crustal
thermal distribution and volatile reservoir shape, but is a function of
volatile volume, density and depth and crustal rigidity. We present a
scaling law for the volatiles’ contribution to syn-eruptive subsidence
and show this contributes ~20% of the observed
subsidence associated with the 2015 Calbuco eruption. Our results
highlight the key role that volatile-driven buoyancy can have in volcano
deformation, show a new link between syn-eruptive degassing and
deflation, and highlight that shallow gas accumulation and release may
have a major impact on ground deformation of volcanoes.