Unprecedented spring 2020 ozone depletion in the context of 20 years of
measurements at Eureka, Canada
In the winter and spring of 2019/2020, the unusually cold, strong, and
stable polar vortex created favorable conditions for ozone depletion in
the Arctic. Chemical ozone loss started earlier than in any previous
year in the satellite era, and continued until the end of March,
resulting in the unprecedented reduction of the ozone column. The vortex
was located above the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory
in Eureka, Canada (80 °N, 86 °W) from late February to the end of April,
presenting an excellent opportunity to examine ozone loss from a single
ground station. Measurements from a suite of instruments show that total
column ozone in 2020 was at an all-time low in the 20-year dataset, 22
to 102 DU below previous records set in 2011. Ozone minima
(<200 DU), enhanced OClO and BrO slant columns, and unusually
low HCl, ClONO2 , and HNO3 columns were
observed in March. Polar stratospheric clouds were present as late as 20
March, and ozonesondes show unprecedented depletion in the March and
April ozone profiles (to <0.2 ppmv). While both chemical and
dynamical factors lead to reduced ozone when the vortex is cold, the
contribution of chemical depletion was exceptional in spring 2020 when
compared to typical Arctic winters. The mean chemical ozone loss over
Eureka was estimated to be 111-127 DU (27-31%) using April measurements
and passive ozone from the SLIMCAT chemical transport model. While
absolute ozone loss was generally smaller in 2020 than in 2011,
percentage ozone loss was greater in 2020.