Acoustic backscatter and attenuation due to river fine sediments:
experimental evaluation of models and inversion methods
The hydroacoustic monitoring of suspended sediment concentration (SSC)
in rivers is based on the inversion of backscatter and attenuation
models. To evaluate such models, acoustic backscatter and attenuation
were measured from a homogeneous suspension of fine river sediments
(clay) in a laboratory tank at various concentrations in the range
1-18~g/l. Agreement between the modelled and measured
acoustic backscatter and attenuation values was found to be relatively
poor. The results are highly sensitive to particle size and shape which
come with large measurement uncertainties and they can be significantly
improved by adjusting plausible particle parameters. Various inversion
methods combining single or multiple frequencies, analysis of
backscatter and/or attenuation, spherical or oblate shape hypothesis for
particles and fixed or estimated lognormal grain size distribution are
tested. The most promising inversion methods using both backscatter and
attenuation information led to accurate SSC estimates.