Decoupled cooling and exhumation signals in subduction orogens: An
example from the Argentinean Pampean Ranges
Reconstructing thermal histories in thrust belts using thermochronometry
is a widely used method to infer the age and rates of thrusting, a
precondition to understanding the driving mechanisms of orogenesis.
Along a thrust sheet, the time and temperature conditions at the switch
between heating and cooling retrieved from thermal modeling are commonly
interpreted as the onset of thrust-induced exhumation associated with
thrustbelt development. In subduction orogens such as the Andes, this
interpretation can be challenged by the intrinsic changes in basal heat
flow imposed by changes in subduction regimes. We document a case in the
northwestern Sierras Pampeanas in the Argentinean Central Andes in which
independent constraints on the onset late Cenozoic thrusting derived
from structural cross-cutting relationships allow us to explore
alternative causes for Cenozoic cooling signals. Located at
~31°S Lat, the Villa Unión-Ischigualasto basin hosts a
composite stratigraphic record associated with Triassic rifting
developed onto the Paleozoic substratum of western Gondwana and the
overlying Meso-Cenozoic foreland basin record. A multi-method approach
including apatite fission-track, apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He analyses,
vitrinite reflectance and clay mineralogy carried out along three
stratigraphic profiles, and inverse thermal modeling reveals the thermal
history patterns and allows inferring its triggering mechanisms. Despite
an up to 5 km-thick Cenozoic overburden and unlike previously thought,
the thermal peak in the basin is not due to Cenozoic burial but occurred
in the Triassic, associated with an abnormally high heat flow of up to
90 mWm-2 and less than 2 km of burial, which heated the base of the
Triassic strata to ~160°C. Following exhumation,
attested by the development of an unconformity between the Triassic and
Late-Cretaceous-Cenozoic sequences, Cenozoic re-burial increased the
temperature to ~110°C at the base of the Triassic
section and only ~50°C 4 km upsection, suggesting a
dramatic decrease in the thermal gradient. The onset of Cenozoic cooling
from those conditions occurred between ~10 and 8 Ma,
approximately 5 My before the onset of thrusting that has been
independently documented by exceptionally well preserved
stratigraphic-cross-cutting relationships. We argue that the onset of
cooling is associated with lithospheric refrigeration following a
decrease in the angle of subduction of the Nazca slab, leading to the
eastward displacement of the asthenospheric wedge beneath the South
American plate. Our study places time and temperature constraints on an
idea that has been previously discussed in the region and calls for a
careful interpretation of exhumation signals in thrustbelts inferred
from thermochronology only.