Expanding the Range of Back-Projections: Core Phase Approach for
Southern Hemisphere Earthquake Imaging
Standard Back-Projections (BPs) use P phase recordings at large
aperture arrays within teleseismic distances (30°-90°) to image
earthquake sources. However, the majority of sizable arrays are in the
northern hemisphere, leaving many southern hemisphere earthquakes beyond
the teleseismic range. We extend the BP method by utilizing seismic
waves traveling through the Earth’s core, expanding our capability to
image earthquakes worldwide. Our core phase BPs incorporate PKIKP
(150°-180°) and PKP (145°-175°) phases. We evaluate their theoretical
resolutions using 1-D and 2-D array response functions and test
uncertainties by adding white noise to coherent waveforms. Tests show
that core phase BPs achieve resolutions and uncertainties comparable to
P phase BP. We validate the method using a synthetic model of a
unilateral rupture (Mw 7.45, 2 km/s) and demonstrate accurate recovery
of rupture direction, length, and speed. Applying core phase BPs to the
2010 Mw 8.8 Chile and 2015 Mw 7.1 southeast Indian Ridge earthquakes, we
compare our results with published BPs and/or slip models, confirming
the feasibility and reliability of core phase BPs. We then apply core
phase BPs to five understudied earthquakes in the southwest Pacific
region, providing insights into these pelagic earthquakes. Core phase
BPs play a crucial role in scenarios where teleseismic arrays are
unavailable, and have weaker array-dependent effect and better
performance in bilateral rupture imaging. Finally, we discuss the
limitations of core phase BPs and outline potential avenues for future