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Polytypism in semi-disordered lizardite and amesite by low-dose HAADF- STEM
  • +1
  • Hui Zhang,
  • Piotr Zarzycki,
  • Benjamin Gilbert,
  • Jillian F Banfield
Hui Zhang
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Piotr Zarzycki
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Benjamin Gilbert
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Jillian F Banfield
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Serpentine minerals exert important controls on the physical properties of ultramafic rocks and have the potential to influence deformation phenomena in fault zones and to control the release of water in subducted slabs. Sheet serpentine generally, and lizardite and amesite specifically, can adopt alternative crystallographic stacking arrangements called polytypes. Polytypism has been extensively studied in fully ordered crystals, but it remains largely enigmatic in the more common semi-disordered crystals that in long-range analyses such as X-ray diffraction only exhibit random combinations of 0b and ±1/3b interlayer shifts. To date, atomic-resolution imaging to identify locally ordered polytypes has been precluded by the beam-sensitive nature of this hydrous magnesium silicate mineral. Here, we employed low-dose high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) to study the polytypic structure of semi-disordered lizardite and amesite. Because the electron dose was as low as ~6000 e-/Å 2 , it was possible to directly resolve oxygen atomic columns and all the cations with a resolution of ~1 Å and reveal the short-range order. For lizardite, we identified long-period non-standard polytypes, including examples with 3, 4, 8 and 9 layers stemming from the ordering of the octahedral tilt along the a-axis. For amesite, we found short-range ordered polytypes with periodicities of up to 42 Å stemming from the ordering of interlayer shifts along the b-axis. The resolution was sufficient to determine the relative abundance of 6R 2 , 6R 1 , 2H 1 and 2H 2 polytypes in amesite to be 46.1%, 29.6%, 7.7% and 1.9% respectively. This is contrary to the expectation that the most common form of amesite is the 2H 2 polytype, which may be more likely to form macroscopic crystals suitable for conventional X-ray diffraction-based study. We conclude that HAADF-STEM methods open the way for characterization of beam sensitive minerals and to resolve the structural details of less well ordered (but possibly more abundant) minerals at unit-cell scale.
01 Feb 2022Published in American Mineralogist volume 107 issue 2 on pages 221-232. 10.2138/am-2021-7867