Stochastic Pore Network Stitching for Pore-to-Core Upscaling of
Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Rocks
- Amir Hossein Kohanpur,
- Albert Valocchi
Albert Valocchi
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Author ProfileAbstract
Physics of two-phase flows in heterogeneous rocks plays an important
role in many applications such as oil and gas migration and geological
sequestration of carbon dioxide. Although current pore-scale models are
used to compute macroscopic properties required in reservoir simulators,
most work is limited to small sample size and homogeneous rocks. There
is a need for pore-scale modeling approaches that can accurately
represent the 3D complex pore structure and heterogeneity of real media.
Pore network modeling simplifies the geometry and flow equations at
pore-scale, but can provide characteristic curves in capillary-dominated
systems on fairly large samples with huge saving on computational costs
compare to direct numerical simulation methods. However, there are
limitations for attaining a large representative pore network for
heterogeneous cores, namely the technical limits on sample size to
discern void space and computational limits on network extraction
algorithms. To address these issues, we propose a novel stochastic pore
network stitching method in combination with network generation to
provide large-enough representative pore network for a core. Our
approach proposes to use micro-CT images of various reservoir rock cores
in different resolutions to characterize the pore structure. Few
signature parts of the core are selected and their corresponding void
space and equivalent pore network are extracted. The space between pore
networks is filled by using a stochastic network generator that utilizes
statistics of all signature networks and a layered stitching method that
glues networks based on their average properties. The output is a large
network that can be used in any pore network solver. We are focusing on
flow properties via quasi-static pore network modeling solver to obtain
absolute permeability, relative permeability, and capillary pressure
curves. Since the method is stochastic, the workflow should be run on
many realizations and final results yield both average and variability
of the derived properties. We have tested the developed method on
various generated and extracted networks, and we have extended the
stitching method to 3D heterogeneous samples.