Experimental observations and statistical modelling of crack propagation
dynamics in limestone by acoustic emission analysis during freezing and
The timing and location of microcracking events, their propagation and
coalescence to form macrocracks, and their development by tension,
shearing or mixed modes are little known but essential to understanding
the fracture of intact rock by freezing and thawing. The aims of the
present study are to investigate the mechanisms and transition of micro-
and macrocracking during repeated freeze–thaw, and to develop a
statistical model of crack propagation that assesses the distance and
angular relationship of neighbouring cracking events arranged in their
temporal order of occurrence. Eight acoustic emission (AE) sensors
mounted on a 300 mm cubic block of chalk captured the three-dimensional
locations of microcracking events in their temporal order of occurrence
during 16 seasonal freeze‒thaw cycles simulating an active layer above
permafrost. AE events occurred mostly during thawing periods (45%) and
freeze-to-thaw transitions (37%) rather than during freezing periods
(9%) and thaw-to-freeze transitions (8%), suggesting that most AE
(microcrack) events were driven by the process of ice segregation rather
than volumetric expansion. The outcomes of a novel statistical model of
crack propagation based on two boundary conditions—inside–out and
outside–in modes of cracking—were assessed based on Bayes’ theorem by
testing the hypothesis that the inside–out mode of cracking was
favoured by tensional activity, whereas the outside–in mode supported
by shearing events. In both situations, the hypothesis accounted for
54–73% confidence level. The microcrack propagation model can
distinguish reasonably between cracks formed by volumetric expansion and
ice segregation.