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The Longwave Cloud-radiative Feedback in Tropical Waves Derived by Different Precipitation Datasets
  • Wei-Ting Hsiao,
  • Eric D. Maloney
Wei-Ting Hsiao
Colorado State University

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Eric D. Maloney
Colorado State University
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The tropical longwave cloud-radiative feedback is calculated using outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and precipitation in two versions of Global Precipitation Climatology Project, version 1.3 (GPCPv1.3) and the newer version 3.2 (GPCPv3.2). GPCPv3.2 has less frequent precipitation between 10-40 mm day-1 but more frequent precipitation at other intensities than in GPCPv1.3. The radiative feedback on intraseasonal timescales calculated by GPCPv3.2 is weaker than in GPCPv1.3 by almost half. The radiative feedbacks are also found to have a red-noise like distribution in spatiotemporal spectral space in both precipitation products, but the magnitudes are weaker in GPCPv3.2. OLR lags precipitation by phase angles of up to 40° in eastward-propagating Kelvin and n = 0 inertia-gravity waves in GPCPv3.2, but not in GPCPv1.3. The updated magnitudes and phase shift of the feedback may modify our understanding of tropical disturbances such as the Madden-Julian oscillation.
15 Sep 2023Submitted to ESS Open Archive
30 Sep 2023Published in ESS Open Archive