Tectonic low-frequency earthquakes in Shikoku, Japan: source scaling,
size distribution and observational limits
Low-frequency earthquakes are peculiar energy-release events mostly
occurring at the transition between the seismogenic and the freely
creeping zones of a subducting slab. The source characterization of
these events is of fundamental importance to understand physical
processes that govern the slow out of equilibrium evolution of the
subduction interface that may lead to the generation of large,
destructive earthquakes. Nevertheless, their source mechanisms still
remain unclear. Here, we estimate the source parameters of
~23,000 low-frequency earthquakes continuously detected
from 2013 to 2015 in Shikoku, Japan. We show that a cubic
moment-duration scaling characterizes these events, suggesting a
self-similar process as for regular earthquakes. However, their
high-frequency fall-off suggests an omega-cube decay in contrast to the
omega-squared model of earthquakes. Source characteristics do not change
when low-frequency earthquake bursts occur during the analyzed three
years. On the other hand, we observe a coherent along-strike variation
of the product of stress drop and the cube of rupture velocity, possibly
related to a weaker behavior of tremor patches in central Shikoku.
Secondary microseismic noise and network-dependent completeness
magnitude lead to missing event detections that do not allow
discriminating between Gutenberg-Richter event size distribution and any
deviation from it. Our findings suggest that the same observational
limits might affect worldwide detection of low-frequency earthquakes.