Effects of River Partial Penetration on the Occurrence of Riparian
Freshwater Lenses: Experimental Investigation
This study examines the occurrence of riparian lenses adjacent to
partially penetrating rivers under the controlled conditions of a
laboratory sand tank. Laboratory experiments and numerical modeling of
the freshwater lens extent are used to provide physical verification (in
light of limited examples of well-characterized field cases) of the
analytical methodology, thereby evaluating the underlying assumptions.
Parameter calibration and uncertainty analysis are applied to assess
both the experimental conditions and the benefit of lens observations in
applying the analytical approach. The experimental freshwater lens was
reproduced by both analytical and numerical models, with the exception
of small mismatches (between analytical results and measured data) in
the lens thickness in the near-river region. These are most likely due
to vertical flow effects that arise from the partial river penetration
and saltwater inflows to the river bottom, and that are only partly
accounted for in the analytical approach. Uncertainty analysis
highlighted that accurate lens predictions based on the analytical
method requires calibration to direct lens measurements; a similar
finding from earlier studies of fully penetrating river conditions.
Sensitivity analysis highlighted that the saltwater head boundary,
freshwater and saltwater densities, and the aquifer depth below the
riverbed (in descending order of sensitivity) are lthe most important
factors in controlling freshwater lens occurrence and saltwater
discharge. The results provide the first physical verification of the
occurrence of stable riparian lenses adjacent to partially penetrating,
gaining rivers, and verify a recent analytical solution for lens extent
and saltwater discharge.