Application of an Inexpensive Spark-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Instrument for Measurements of Atmospheric Metal Particles
Hazardous air pollutants, also known as air toxics, are defined by the
US EPA as pollutants that are known or suspected to cause cancer and
other serious health issues. Although technologies to screen for toxic
compounds, such as benzene, toluene and many criteria pollutants are
available, the same level of efficacy for community monitoring is not
available for toxic metals. To fill this gap, we have recently developed
an inexpensive spark-induced breakdown spectroscopy instrument for
detecting and quantifying toxic metal pollutants in the atmosphere
(dubbed toxic-metal aerosol real time analyzer, TARTA). Compared to
conventional instruments used to analyze elemental compositions (such as
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ICP-MS)), our instrument allows near real-time
measurements and does not require complex sample preparation. In this
work, TARTA is evaluated on its ability to measure metal emissions of
total suspended particles (TSP) and PM2.5 from different environments,
including the emissions of vehicles traveling through the Caldecott
tunnel and the agricultural emissions from a rural background site in
Davis, CA. Besides the application of this new technique, we collected
particle samples (both TSP and PM 2.5) on Teflon filters for XRF
analysis of trace metals. The analytical results obtained by XRF allow
for the evaluation of accuracy and sensitivity of the TARTA instrument.
In this talk, we will report the temporal profile of elemental species
and the correlations among elements. For example, our preliminary
analysis of the emissions from the rural site suggests relatively strong
emissions of Ca, Na, Mg, K, and CN bond, which may be associated with
the local emissions of soil dust and amines. From the tunnel
measurements, we will discuss the influence of traffic volume and
vehicle categories (light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles) on the
concentration of metal particles near roadway, which affects many
communities. In conclusion, the two field studies indicate that TARTA is
a promising technique for field measurements of toxic metals in
environmental justice, industrial and urban applications.