Scientific society support for scientists working to build institutional
capacity for public engagement: Examples from the AAAS Leshner
Leadership Institute
The American Association for the Advancement of Science’s Leshner
Leadership Institute for Public Engagement with Science, founded in
2015, empowers scientists and engineers to develop and implement public
engagement activities, mentor other scientists in their communities and
promote public engagement within their institutions. Each year the AAAS
Leshner Leadership Institute brings together 15 mid-career researchers
working on a topic at the nexus of science and society for a week of
intensive training, public engagement practice, and planning. During the
following year at their home institutions, AAAS Leshner Fellows
implement their plans, interact via regular virtual meetings and receive
additional support from staff and experts in the field of public
engagement. One of the goals of the AAAS Leshner Leadership Institute is
to catalyze institutional change: building understanding about, capacity
for and support of public engagement within the various institutions
with which researchers are affiliated. AAAS Leshner Fellows have sought
to identify opportunities for institutional change within a variety of
settings, including universities, government agencies and professional
societies. This presentation will provide examples of institutional
change from the first three cohorts of AAAS Leshner Fellows (2016-17,
climate change; 2017-18, infectious disease; 2018-19, food and water
security), including the ways in which they have worked to integrate
public engagement into the purpose of the institutions, build processes
to support public engagement, and empower people within the institutions
to participate in public engagement. It will also discuss the
opportunities and challenges for encouraging institutional change via a
distributed network of individuals who are linked by discipline but not
(necessarily) by institution.