The Cape Verde archipelago is a group of Ocean Islands in the Central
Atlantic that forms two chains of islands trending Northwest and
Southwest. Several of the islands are considered to be volcanically
active, with frequent eruptions on Fogo. We examine the mineral
chemistry and thermobarometry of the southern islands; Santiago, Fogo
and Brava together with the Cadamosto Seamount. Our objective is to
explore the magmatic storage system and implications for volcanic
eruptions and associated hazards at Cape Verde. The volcanic rocks at
Cape Verde are alkaline and dominantly mafic, whereas the island of
Brava and the Cadamosto Seamount are unusually felsic. Clinopyroxene
compositions range from 60 to 90 Mg# at Santiago and Fogo. In contrast,
at Brava and the Cadamosto Seamount the clinopyroxene compositions are 5
to 75 Mg#. Mineral chemistry and zonation records fractional
crystallization, recharge, aggregation of crystals, magma mixing and
variations in thermal conditions of the magma at temperatures from 925
to 1250C. Magma storage depths at Santiago, Fogo, Brava and the
Cadamosto Seamount are between 12 and 40 km, forming deep sub-Moho magma
storage zones. Transient magma storage in the crust is suggested by
fluid inclusion re-equilibration and pre-eruption seismicity. A global
compilation of magma storage at Ocean Islands suggests deep magma
storage is a common feature and volcanic eruptions are often associated
with rapid magma ascent through the crust. Shallow magma storage is more
variable and likely reflects local variations in crustal structure,
sediment supply and tectonics. Petrological constraints on the magma
plumbing system at Cape Verde and elsewhere are vital to integrate with
deformation models and seismicity in order to improve understanding and
mitigation of the volcanic hazards.