In the upper ocean, the surface mixed layer is rich in submesoscale
flows characterized by large vertical velocities and significant
vertical transport. In addition, the vertical flux is also modulated by
a variety of smaller-scale features, with dynamics approaching
three-dimensional turbulence. Surface gravity waves significantly
influence the submesoscale regime, particularly through the formation of
Langmuir circulations, which are a direct outcome of wave-current
interactions. However, current models often parameterize these effects,
leaving their precise impact on vertical transport unclear. This study
addresses this gap by investigating the roles of wave-modulated
submesoscale structures, parameterized turbulent mixing, and Langmuir
circulations on Lagrangian particle movement, utilizing high-resolution
($\Delta x \lessapprox$ $100$ m)
realistic ocean simulations able to resolve this smaller-scale
Our high resolution ($\Delta x = 30$ m) simulations
reveal that Langmuir circulations dominate the vertical transport with
their strong vertical velocities.
This wave-induced vertical fluxes significantly affect Lagrangian
particle movement, increasing their vertical displacement and Lagrangian
relative horizontal diffusivity. These effects occur alongside
downwelling from submesoscale features, suggesting that Langmuir
circulations are integral in transporting biological and ecological
materials vertically and horizontally in the ocean, while Stokes drift,
another product of the wave-current interactions, have a lesser role in
the particle stirring in this open-ocean simulation.
This study also suggests that sub-grid-scale parameterization via
diffusion may be limited when trying to reproduce the effects of
ephemeral and heterogeneous small scale flows included in
high-resolution Eulerian flows.