The advance of the cosmic ray neutron (CRN) sensing method for
estimating field scale soil moisture relied largely on simulations of
the footprint properties of epithermal neutrons (~0.5 eV
- 100 keV). Commercially available CRN probes are usually additionally
equipped with a thermal neutron (< 0.5 eV) detector. The
potential of these measurements is rarely explored because relevant
features of thermal neutrons, such as the footprint and the sensitivity
to soil moisture are unknown. Here, we used neutron transport modeling
and a river crossing experiment to assess the thermal neutron footprint.
We found that the horizontal thermal neutron footprint ranges between 43
and 48 m distance from the probe and that the vertical footprint extends
to soil depths between 10 and 65 cm depending on soil moisture.
Furthermore, we derived weighting functions that quantify the footprint
characteristics of thermal neutrons. These results will enable new
applications of thermal neutrons.