Venus’ steep-sided domes are circular volcanoes ~10s of km
wide and ~1 km tall, which are known for their
characteristic flat tops and steep sides. However, their composition
remains mysterious. These “pancake” domes are likely formed by a
high-viscosity lava, and other studies have predicted a range of
compositions, from rhyolite to basalt. In this study, we build on
previous work modeling pancake domes as spreading viscous gravity
currents. However, previous models of dome formation assumed that they
form over a rigid lithosphere. We confirmed that lithospheric flexure
occurs at pancake domes, and therefore build a new model of dome
formation over a bending elastic lithosphere. We find that flexure
during formation can influence the shape of the resulting pancake dome.
Our results also support the idea that pancake domes continue to spread
for a long time after their emplacement. In comparing our model to the
topography of a real pancake dome, we find a range of high, though
variable, lava viscosities. Our range of lava viscosities is related to
the size of the observed dome, and our results for a large dome agree
with those of other studies. We test different lava densities and find
that a lava density of ~2400 – 2700 kg/m3 best reproduces
the flexural signatures observed at pancake domes. Low-density lava
(~1500 kg/m3) does not reproduce the flexural signatures,
implying that dome-forming lava is not highly vesiculated.