A New Method to Invert for Interseismic Deep Slip Along Closely Spaced
Faults using Surface Velocities and Subsurface Stressing-Rate Tensors
Inversions of interseismic geodetic surface velocities often cannot
uniquely resolve the three-dimensional slip-rate distribution along
closely spaced faults. Microseismic focal mechanisms reveal stress
information at depth and may provide additional constraints for
inversions that estimate slip rates. Here, we present a new inverse
approach that utilizes both surface velocities and subsurface
stressing-rate tensors to constrain interseismic slip rates and activity
of closely spaced faults. We assess the ability of the inverse approach
to recover slip rate distributions from stressing-rate tensors and
surface velocities generated by two forward models: 1) a single
strike-slip fault model and 2) a complex southern San Andreas fault
system (SAFS) model. The single fault model inversions reveal that a
sparse array of regularly spaced stressing-rate tensors can recover the
forward model slip distribution better than surface velocity inversions
alone. Because focal mechanism inversions currently provide normalized
deviatoric stress tensors, we perform inversions for slip rate using
full, deviatoric or normalized deviatoric forward-model-generated
stressing-rate tensors to assess the impact of removing stress magnitude
from the constraining data. All the inversions, except for those that
use normalized deviatoric stressing-rate tensors, recover the forward
model slip-rate distribution well, even for the SAFS model. Jointly
inverting stressing rate and velocity data best recovers the forward
model slip-rate distribution and may improve estimates of interseismic
deep slip rates in regions of complex faulting, such as the southern
SAFS; however, successful inversions of crustal data will require
methods to estimate stressing-rate magnitudes.