Microphysical Pathways Active within Thunderstorms and Their Sensitivity
to CCN Concentration and Wind Shear
The impact of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration on
microphysical processes within thunderstorms and the resulting surface
precipitation is not fully understood yet. In this work, an analysis of
the microphysical pathways occurring in these clouds is proposed to
systematically investigate and understand these sensitivities.
Thunderstorms were simulated using convection-permitting (1 km
horizontal grid spacing) idealised simulations with the ICON model,
which included a 2-moment microphysics parameterization. CCN
concentrations were increased from 100 to 3200 CCN/cm3, in five
different wind shear environments ranging from 18 to 50 m/s. Large and
systematic decreases of surface precipitation (up to 35%) and hail (up
to 90%) were found as CCN was increased. Wind shear changes the
details, but not the sign, of the sensitivity to CCN. The microphysical
process rates were tracked throughout each simulation, closing the mass
budget for each hydrometeor class, and collected together into
“microphysical pathways”, which quantify the different growth
processes leading to surface precipitation. Almost all surface
precipitation occurred through the mixed-phase pathway, where graupel
and hail grow by riming and later melt as they fall to the surface. The
mixed-phase pathway is sensitive to CCN concentration changes as a
result of changes to the riming rate, which were systematically
evaluated. Supercooled water content was almost insensitive to
increasing CCN concentration, but decreased cloud drop size led to a
large reduction in the riming efficiency (from 0.79 to 0.24) between
supercooled cloud drops and graupel or hail, resulting in less surface