Magma emplacement in the top unconsolidated sediments of rift basins is poorly constrained in terms of mechanics and associated hydrothermal activity. Our study compares two shallow sills from the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) using core data and analyses from IODP Expedition 385, and high-resolution 2D seismic data. We show that magma stalling in the top uncemented sediment layer is controlled by the transition from siliceous claystone to uncemented silica-rich sediment, promoting flat sill formation. Space is created through a combination of viscous indentation, magma-sediment mingling and fluidization processes. In low magma input regions, sills form above the opal-A/CT diagenetic barrier, while high magma input leads to upward stacking of sills, forming funnel-shaped intrusions near the seafloor. Our petrophysical, petrographic, and textural analyses show that magma-sediment mingling creates significant porosity (up to 20%) through thermal cracking of the assimilated sediment. Stable isotope data of carbonate precipitates indicate formation temperatures of 70−90°C, consistent with the current background geothermal gradient at 250−325 m depth. The unconsolidated, water-rich host sediments produce little thermogenic gas through contact metamorphism, but deep diagenetically formed gas bypasses the low-permeability top sediments via hydrothermal fluids flowing through the magma plumbing system. This hydrothermal system provides a steady supply of hydrocarbons at temperatures amendable for microbial life, acting as a major microbial incubator. Similar hydrothermal systems are expected to be abundant in magma-rich young rift basins and play a key role in sustaining subseafloor ecosystems.

Ashley Mae Morris

and 28 more

While basaltic volcanism is dominate during rifting and continental breakup, felsic magmatism may also comprise important components of some rift margins. During International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 396 on the continental margin of Norway, a graphite-garnet-cordierite bearing dacitic, pyroclastic unit was recovered within early Eocene sediments on Mimir High (Site U1570), a marginal high on the Vøring transform margin. Here, we present a comprehensive textural, mineralogical, and petrological study of the dacite in order to assess its melting origin and emplacement. The major mineral phases (garnet, cordierite, quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar) are hosted in a fresh rhyolitic, highly vesicular, glassy matrix, locally mingled with sediments. The xenocrystic major element chemistry of garnet and cordierite, the presence of zircon inclusions with inherited cores, and thermobarometric calculations all support a crustal metapelite origin. While most magma-rich margin models favor crustal anatexis in the lower crust, thermobarometric calculations performed here show that the dacite was produced at upper-crustal depths (< 5 kbar) and high temperature (750–800 °C) with up to 3 wt% water content. In situ U-Pb analyses on zircon inclusions give a magmatic age of 54.6 ± 1.1 Ma, revealing the emplacement of the dacite post-dates the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Our results suggest that the opening of the North Atlantic was associated with a phase of low-pressure, high-temperature crustal melting at the onset of the main phase of magmatism.

Zahra Faghih

and 9 more

Although marine controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) methods are effective for investigating offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) systems, interpreting the spatial extent and salinity of OFG remains challenging. Integrating CSEM resistivity models with information on sub-surface properties, such as host-rock porosity, allows for estimates of pore-water salinity. However, deterministic inversion approaches pose challenges in quantitatively analyzing these estimates as they provide only one best-fit model with no associated estimate of model parameter uncertainty. To address this limitation, we employ a trans-dimensional Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo inversion on marine CSEM data, under the assumption of horizontal stratification, collected from the Canterbury Bight, New Zealand. We integrate the resulting posterior distributions of electrical resistivity with borehole and seismic reflection data to quantify pore-water salinity with uncertainty estimates. The results reveal a low-salinity groundwater body in the center of the survey area at varying depths, hosted by consecutive silty- and fine-sand layers approximately 20 to 60 km from the coast. These observations support the previous study’s results obtained through deterministic 2-D inversion and suggest freshening of the OFG body closer to the shore within a permeable, coarse-sand layer 40 to 150 m beneath the seafloor. This implies a potential active connection between the OFG body and the terrestrial groundwater system. We demonstrate how the Bayesian approach constrains the uncertainties in resistivity models and subsequently in pore-water salinity estimates. Our findings highlight the potential of Bayesian inversions in enhancing our understanding of OFG systems, providing crucial boundary conditions for hydrogeological modeling and sustainable water resource development.
Integration of multiple geophysical methods in combined data analysis is a key practice to reduce model uncertainties and enhance geological interpretations. Electrical resistivity models resulting from inversion of marine magnetotelluric (MT) data, often lack depth resolution of lithological boundaries, and distinct information for shallow model parts. This is due to the nature of the physics i.e. diffusive method, model regularization during inversion, and survey setup i.e. large station spacing and missing high frequency data. Thus, integrating data or models to constrain layer thicknesses or structural boundaries is an effective approach to derive better constrained, more detailed resistivity models. We investigate the different impacts of three cross-gradient coupled constraints on 3D MT inversion of data from the Namibian passive continental margin. The three constraints are a) coupling with a fixed structural density model; b) coupling with satellite gravity data; c) coupling with a fixed gradient velocity model. Here we show that coupling with a fixed model (a and c) improves the resistivity model most. Shallow conductors imaging sediment cover are confined to a thinner layer in the resulting resistivity models compared to the MT-only model. Additionally these constraints help to suppress vertical smearing of a conductive anomaly attributed to a fracture zone, and clearly show that the seismically imaged Moho is not accompanied by a change in electrical resistivity. All of these observations aid interpretation of an Earth model indicating involvement of a plume impact in continental break-up during the early Cretaceous.