Abani Patra

and 10 more

We present two models using monitoring data in the production of volcanic eruption forecasts. The first model enhances the well-established failure forecast method introducing an SDE in its formulation. In particular, we developed new method for performing short-term eruption timing probability forecasts, when the eruption onset is well represented by a model of a significant rupture of materials. The method enhances the well-known failure forecast method equation. We allow random excursions from the classical solutions. This provides probabilistic forecasts instead of deterministic predictions, giving the user critical insight into a range of failure or eruption dates. Using the new method, we describe an assessment of failure time on present-day unrest signals at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) using either seismic count and ground deformation data. The new formulation enables the estimation on decade-long time windows of data, locally including the effects of variable dynamics. The second model establishes a simple method to update prior vent opening spatial maps. The prior reproduces the two-dimensional distribution of past vent distribution with a Gaussian Field. The likelihood relies on a one-dimensional variable characterizing the chance of material failure locally, based, for instance, on the horizontal ground deformation. In other terms, we introduce a new framework for performing short-term eruption spatial forecasts by assimilating monitoring signals into a prior (“background”) vent opening map. To describe the new approach, first we summarize the uncertainty affecting a vent opening map pdf of Campi Flegrei by defining an appropriate Gaussian random field that replicates it. Then we define a new interpolation method based on multiple points of central symmetry, and we apply it on discrete GPS data. Finally, we describe an application of the Bayes’ theorem that combines the prior vent opening map and the data-based likelihood product-wise. We provide examples based on either seismic count and interpolated ground deformation data collected in the Campi Flegrei volcanic area.