Accurate modeling of Jupiter’s magnetospheric magnetic field is
important for not only scientific research but also mission planning. We
develop a new empirical global model of Jupiter’s magnetic field in the
Juno era, including components from the planetary dynamo,
Chapman-Ferraro currents, and cross-tail current sheet. The internal
field is based on the JRM09 model. The shielding field is obtained by
minimizing the component normal to Jupiter’s magnetopause and varies due
to the change of solar wind dynamic pressure. Combined with the curved
magnetodisk, the high-resolution TS07 method is used for modeling
Jupiter’s magnetodisc and tail currents. The best-fitting results show
an asymmetric magnetodisc current system in azimuthal direction with a
tilted angle to Jupiter’s magnetic equator. The sweep-back effects of
Jupiter’s magnetic fields are also reproduced by the radial current
system. This new model is validated by comparing with Juno’s
magnetometer data in the range from 5 Rj to 60 Rj, where Rj=71492 km is
the radius of Jupiter.