In recent decades, the intensity, frequency, and variability of extreme
events (e.g., heat waves, droughts, severe storms, and floods) have
increased globally due to the intensification of the changing climate,
land-use/landcover and anthropogenic activities. An increase in extreme
events results in severe economic crises and enormous disruptions in
various social and environmental sectors. Hence, effective and efficient
prediction and mitigation of flood and drought events are desirable. It
requires a better understanding of the recent trends and variability of
the extremes, which is quite challenging owing to the complex and
non-stationary behaviour of the associated covariates (hydroclimatic
variables, atmospheric circulation patterns), and their spatiotemporal
variability and nonlinear interactions. This study proposes a new
Non-stationary Standardized Potential Evapotranspiration Index (NSPEI)
to assess the wetness and dryness condition and couples it with an
entropy-based measure to quantify the variability of the extremes. NSPEI
considers non-stationarities of both precipitation and temperature in
addition to their ability to identify extreme events at different
time/accumulation scales (multi-scalar). Hence, water deficits/excess
could be better assessed over different accumulation periods, which
helps identify and monitor various droughts (e.g., agricultural,
meteorological) and water saturation conditions (e.g., floods, runoff).
Furthermore, as the drought/wetness triggering variables and causes for
extreme conditions may vary worldwide, a standardized drought
variability index is introduced in this study to assess better drought
and wetness variability across the world at multiple timescales
(monthly, seasonal, annual and decadal). In addition, the influence of
LULC and location indicators (latitude, longitude, and elevation) on
drought and wetness variability is assessed across different continents
for various time scales and severity of both wetness and dryness
conditions. The analysis and outcomes of this study enhance
understanding of global drought and wetness variability patterns and
provide reliable information on water availability for devising
effective water management strategies towards mitigation of the extremes
in various continents.