Raman and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Candidate X-Ray Amorphous Phases
in Martian Rocks and Soils: Implications for Mars 2020 and ExoMars 2020
Martian soils and rocks contain a significant fraction of amorphous
materials, based on previous lander-based x-ray diffraction and orbital
infrared measurements. However, the exact nature and chemistry of the
phases that make up this component are not well constrained. The
upcoming Mars2020 and ExoMars rovers will carry Raman and
visible/near-infrared (VNIR) reflectance spectrometers, offering new
methods for characterizing Martian surface materials in-situ. Raman
spectroscopy in particular has the potential to discriminate between
amorphous phases; however, many of the candidate amorphous phases are
absent from Raman spectral databases. We synthesized and spectrally
characterized candidate x-ray amorphous phases for Martian soils
(amorphous ferric sulfate, allophane, ferrihydrite, allophane with
adsorbed sulfate and phosphate, and ferrihydrite with adsorbed sulfate
and phosphate) with Raman and VNIR spectroscopy and document the Raman
peak locations for these materials. We found that sulfate and phosphate
anions were Raman-detectable when adsorbed to allophane, but were not
observed when adsorbed to ferrihydrite; a possible cause for this
includes decomposition of the adsorbed species during the Raman
acquisition. We show that candidate sulfur-bearing species – amorphous
ferric sulfate and allophane with adsorbed sulfate – are
distinguishable in Raman data. Allophane, ferrihydrite and amorphous
ferric sulfate exhibit distinctive VNIR spectra, but are not likely to
be distinguishable in the VNIR if mixed with other materials. The
potential for detecting adsorbed species is a unique strength of Raman
spectroscopy compared to other spectral methods, however further studies
are needed to understand the acquisition conditions, abundances and
matrix compositions under which adsorbed species can be detected.