Phoebe E Noble

and 7 more

During winter, the latitude belt at 60S is one of the most intense hotspots of stratospheric gravity wave (GW) activity. However, producing accurate representations of GW dynamics in this region in numerical models has proved exceptionally challenging. One reason for this is that questions remain regarding the relative contributions of different orographic and non-orographic sources of GWs here. We use 3-D satellite GW observations from the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) from winter 2012 in combination with the Gravity-wave Regional Or Global Ray Tracer (GROGRAT) to backwards ray trace GWs to their sources. We trace over 14.2 million rays, which allows us to investigate GW propagation and to produce systematic estimates of the relative contribution of orographic and non-orographic sources to the total observed stratospheric GW momentum flux in this region. We find that in winter 56% of momentum flux (MF) traces back to the ocean and 44% to land, despite land representing less than a quarter of the region’s area. This demonstrates that, while orographic sources contribute much more momentum flux per unit area, the large spatial extent of non-orographic sources leads to a higher overall contribution. The small islands of Kerguelen and South Georgia specifically contribute up to 1.6% and 0.7% of average monthly stratospheric MF, and the intermittency of these sources suggests that their short-timescale contribution is even higher. These results provide the important insights needed to significantly advance our knowledge of the atmospheric momentum budget in the Southern polar region.

Markus Geldenhuys

and 10 more

Horizontal gravity wave (GW) refraction was observed around the Andes and Drake Pas- sage during the SouthTRAC campaign. GWs interact with the background wind through refraction and dissipation. This interaction helps to drive mid-atmospheric circulations and slows down the polar vortex by taking GW momentum flux from one location to an- other. The SouthTRAC campaign was composed to gain improved understanding of the propagation and dissipation of GWs. This study uses observational data from this cam- paign collected by the German research aircraft on 12 September 2019. During the cam- paign a minor sudden stratospheric warming in the Southern Hemisphere occurred, which heavily influenced GW propagation and refraction and thus also the location and amount of GW momentum flux deposition. Observations include, amongst others, measurements from below the aircraft by GLORIA (Gimballed Limb Observer for Radiance Imaging of the Atmosphere), and above the aircraft by ALIMA (Airborne Lidar for the Middle Atmosphere). Refraction is identified in two different GW packets as low as ≈4 km and as high as 58 km. One GW packet of orographic origin and one of non-orographic ori- gin is used to investigate refraction. Observations are supplemented by the Gravity-wave Regional Or Global Ray Tracer (GROGRAT), a simplified mountain wave model, ERA5 data and high-resolution (3 km) WRF data. Contrary to some previous studies we find that refraction makes a noteworthy contribution in the amount and the location of GW momentum flux deposition. This case study highlights the importance of refraction and provides compelling arguments that models should account for this.

Lukas Krasauskas

and 5 more

Gravity waves (GW) carry energy and momentum from troposphere to the middle atmosphere and have a strong influence on the circulation there. Global atmospheric models cannot fully resolve GWs, and therefore rely on highly simplified GW parametrizations that, among other limitations, account for vertical wave propagation only and neglect refraction. This is a major source of uncertainty in models, and leads to well-known problems, such as late break-up of polar vortex due to the “missing” GW drag around 60°S. To investigate these phenomena, GW observations over Southern Andes were performed during SouthTRAC aircraft campaign. This paper presents measurements from a SouthTRAC flight on 21~September 2019, including 3-D tomographic temperature data of the infrared limb imager GLORIA (8-15 km altitude) and temperature profiles of the ALIMA lidar (20-80 km altitude). GLORIA observations revealed multiple overlapping waves of different wavelengths. 3-D wave vectors were determined from the GLORIA data and used to initialise a GW ray-tracer. The ray-traced GW parameters were compared with ALIMA observations, showing good agreement between the instruments and direct evidence of oblique (partly meridional) GW propagation. ALIMA data analysis confirmed that most waves at 25-40 km altitudes were indeed orographic GWs, including waves seemingly upstream of the Andes. We directly observed horizontal GW refraction, which has not been achieved before SouthTRAC. Refraction and oblique propagation caused significant meridional transport of horizontal momentum as well as horizontal momentum exchange between waves and the background flow all along the wave paths, not just in wave excitation and breaking regions.