Dynamics of the Sun’s Polar Field: Possible Insights from Out of the
Ecliptic Observations
The solar polar fields play a crucial role in sustaining the solar
dynamo mechanism. Observations and computational modelling indicates
that the surface dynamics of active regions mediated via plasma flows,
which leads to the polar field build-up, is a fundamental aspect of the
solar dynamo mechanism; in fact, this surface mediated flux dynamics
also known as the Babcock-Leighton mechanism, is now implicated to be
the leading contributor to the Sun’s polar field, and thus also provides
a window to the future solar cycle. This emergent understanding is one
of the major drivers of novel mission concepts aiming to image the solar
high latitudes from out of the ecliptic locations. Based on numerical
simulations of the near-surface magnetic field dynamics and the Sun’s
polar landscape, here we discuss what new insights may be provided by
out-of-the ecliptic solar physics missions.