Regional shift in the peak time of maximum Indian summer monsoon
rainfall in recent decades
Global warming is causing more extreme precipitation events and
variability in rainfall patterns, which are affecting the timing of peak
rainfall occurrence and impacting the hydrological cycle in evolving
climates. This study examines spatial rainfall trends across India
during the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) period from 2001 to 2020,
utilizing GSMaP_ISRO data. Analysis reveals a significant rise of 2
mm/day in rainfall over west central India from 2011 to 2020.
Additionally, an investigation into the timing of peak rainfall
demonstrates an early (late) peak over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (central
India) in recent years, likely influenced by changes in aerosol loading.
The present results suggest a significant shift in rainfall peak time
with potential implications for agriculture,hydrology and disaster