Open Natural Ecosystems (ONEs), consisting of a range of non-forested
habitats, are under threat worldwide. These ecosystems range from
deserts to savanna grasslands, and host amongst the highest densities
and diversity of large mammalian fauna. In addition, this ecosystem
supports the lives and livelihoods of millions of pastoralists and their
livestock. Yet, ONEs are highly threatened, mainly due to conversion for
other land uses. Here, we focus on ONEs in India, where due to
historical reasons, this ecosystem has been classified as wastelands. To
improve the prospects of recognition of the value of ONEs, we generated
a country-wide high-resolution (30m) map of ONEs in the arid and
semi-arid regions of India. We find that ONEs cover approximately
300,000 km² (10%) of India’s land surface, with the largest extent in
states such as Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh
and Gujarat. The largest patches (>10,000 km²) occur in the
arid parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat. We find that <5% of ONEs
are covered under the existing protected area network of India. We hope
that this open data source is used by policy makers and planners to
exclude these habitats when considering location of renewable energy
projects, tree planting projects for carbon sequestration, and other
development projects that negatively impact ONEs. We encourage further
refinement of the map taking into account constituent vegetation and
floristic characteristics for a more ecologically robust mapping of
India’s open natural ecosystems.