Authors present their investigation of spatial and temporal changes of
methane emission from the surface of the Mozhaisk reservoir, situated
120 km to the west from Moscow, Russia. Seasonal changes in the content
and specific flow of methane were revealed for different morphological
areas of the reservoir based on the data of field observations in
2015-2018. In the low-flow Mozhaisk reservoir, the methane content in the
surface and bottom layers of the deep-water areas at the end of the
summer stratification period may differ by three orders of magnitude.
According to the results of flux measuring by «floating chambers» in the
entral area of the reservoir from the beginning of June to the end of
the period of direct stratification (August-September) methane flux
increased from less than 1 to 16 mg 4-C/(m**2 hour). The simultaneous
measurements with “floating chambers” of 2 types (simple – for taking
samples of the integral flux, and with a shield, rejecting bubbles – for
samples of diffusion flux) revealed typical values of these flux
components and their change during the sampling period. In the beginning
of stratification diffusive flux predominates with mean values 0,2
mg4-/(m2 hour) and forms 100% of the total flux while methane
concentration near bottom is low.The increase of the total methane flux
is associated with an increase of the bubble component: its ratio grows
from 75% to 98.7%. Integral methane flux rapid increase is observed
when the upper edge of bottom anoxic zone reaches the lower edge of
epilimnion. Supported by RGS 17-05-41095.