The Jovian moon Io features hundreds of paterae, broad depressions often
filled with lava. The largest such example, Loki Patera, features a
large, polygonal, and fractured island in its center. This island may
reflect the fragmentation of the upper Ionian lithosphere by a shallow
magma body, facilitated by a great number of shallow extensional
structures. We propose a model for the Ionian lithosphere in which the
upper portion is heavily deformed by joints, normal faults, and graben
resulting from combined tidal, subsidence, and thermal stresses, and a
lower portion rife with major thrust faults formed by horizontal
compression of deeper crustal levels from the continued burial of
surface units. Some of those thrusts may be reactivated normal faults.
An extensionally fractured upper lithosphere accounts for the Loki
Patera island, for observations of more than 175 paterae with straight
edges, for the fact that almost 95% of Io’s surface is covered with
volcanic flow and plains units, and for widespread instances of mass
wasting within Io’s gigantic mountain blocks. Additional,
high-resolution image and topographic data are required to test this
hypothesized model for the moon’s lithosphere.