Isolating lithologic versus tectonic signals of river profiles to test
orogenic models for the Eastern and Southeastern Carpathians
Fluvial morphology is affected by a wide range of forcing factors, which
can be external, such as faulting and changes in climate, or internal,
such as variations in rock hardness or degree of fracturing. It is a
challenge to separate internal and external forcing factors when they
are co-located or occur coevally. Failure to account for both factors
leads to potential misinterpretations. For example, steepening of a
channel network due to lithologic contrasts could be misinterpreted as a
function of increased tectonic displacements. These misinterpretations
are enhanced over large areas, where landscape properties needed to
calculate channel steepness (\textit{e.g.} channel
concavity) can vary significantly in space. In this study, we
investigate relative channel steepness over the Eastern Carpathians,
where it has been proposed that active rock uplift in the Southeastern
Carpathians gives way N- and NW-wards to ca. 8 Myrs of post-orogenic
quiescence. We develop a technique to quantify relative channel
steepness based on a wide range of concavities, and show that the main
signal shows an increase in channel steepness from east to west across
the range. Rock hardness measurements and geological studies suggest
this difference is driven by lithology. When we isolate channel
steepness by lithology to test for ongoing rock uplift along the range,
we find steeper channels in the south of the study area compared to the
same units in the North. This supports interpretations from longer
timescale geological data that active rock uplift is fastest in the
southern Southeastern Carpathians.