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Steven J. Lentz

and 6 more

The impacts of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on salinity and alkalinity in an equatorial coral reef lagoon (Kanton) are investigated using water samples collected in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018. A simple advective-diffusive model is developed to aid in the interpretation of the sparse observations and make estimates of net ecosystem calcification (NEC) rates. Salinity and alkalinity variations in Kanton lagoon are primarily driven by ENSO variations in precipitation. During non-El Niño years (1973, 2012, 2018), salinity increases from the ocean (35.5 psu) to the back of the lagoon (38 psu) because evaporation exceeds precipitation and water resides in the back of the lagoon for ~180 days. At the onset of the 2015-16 El Niño the back of the lagoon is only ~1 psu saltier than the ocean because precipitation had begun to exceed evaporation. The model suggests that during El Niños, when precipitation exceeds evaporation, the back of the lagoon is less salty than the ocean (30 – 32 psu). Alkalinity variations in the lagoon are primarily due to dilution or concentration driven by the ENSO variations in precipitation and NEC that causes an alkalinity deficit of ~250 micromoles/kg in the back of the lagoon. NEC rates in the early stages of the 2015 – 2016 El Niño were ~10% lower (4.7 mmol/day) than in the non-El Niño years (5.2 – 5. 5 mmol/day). The NEC rates and coral cover indicate that Kanton Lagoon has recovered from the complete loss of coral cover during the 2002-03 El Niño.

Cristina Schultz

and 6 more

The Southern Ocean is chronically under-sampled due to its remoteness, harsh environment and sea-ice cover. Ocean circulation models yield significant insight into key processes and to some extent obviate the dearth of data, however they often underestimate surface mixed layer depth (MLD), with consequences for water-column properties. In this study, a coupled circulation and sea-ice model was implemented for the region adjacent to the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), a climatically sensitive region which has exhibited decadal trends toward higher temperatures, a shorter sea-ice season and increasing glacial freshwater input, overlain by strong interannual variability. Hindcast simulations were conducted with different air-ice drag coefficients and Langmuir-circulation parameterizations to determine the impact of these factors on MLD. Including Langmuir circulation deepened the surface mixed layer, with the deepening being more pronounced in the shelf and slope regions. Optimal selection of an air-ice drag coefficient also increased the modeled MLD by similar amounts, and had a larger impact in improving the reliability of the simulated MLD interannual variability. This study highlights the importance of sea ice volume and redistribution to correctly reproduce the physics of the underlying ocean, and the potential of appropriately parameterizing Langmuir circulation to help correct for a bias towards shallow MLD in the Southern Ocean. The model also reproduces observed freshwater patterns in the WAP during late summer and suggests that areas of intense summertime sea-ice melt can still show net annual freezing due to high sea-ice formation during the winter.