Energy spectra of electrons and gamma rays produced by the electron
accelerator in thunderclouds
We measure energy spectra of electrons and gamma rays of electromagnetic
avalanches developed in the electrified atmosphere as they arrive at the
earth’s surface at 3200 m height where Aragats research station is
located. We compare intensities and spectra shapes of 2 thunderstorm
ground enhancements (TGE) observed in June and September 2020 with
simulated ones. Although, the variants of electric field strength and
topology assumed in the simulations are too simplified to reproduce the
rather complicated and dynamic nature of the atmospheric electric field
the closeness of several measured and observed parameters allows us to
confirm that the relativistic runaway electron avalanches (RREA) is the
origin of TGE, and to outline most probable characteristics of the
atmospheric electric field for particular observed TGE events.