In a recent study by Shekhar et. al. 2021, a moderate geomagnetic storm (sym-H$\sim$-100 nT) during 28th-29th June 2013 was studied using CIMI (Comprehensive Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere) simulations and results were compared with TWINS (Two wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) observations. The CIMI simulations did not include ion injections. As a result, TWINS and CIMI results were found to disagree on the number and locations of ion pressure peaks and ion drift patterns. In this study, CIMI simulations were performed with the inclusion of ion injections using the geosynchronous particle flux data from 6 LANL satellites as boundary conditions. Comparisons of the spatial and temporal evolution of ring current (RC) ions including ion pressure, anisotropy, intensity and median energy, the ion spectrum at the ion pressure peak locations show improved agreements with TWINS observations, specifically in the recovery phase post 06 UT on 29th June, when rapid AE index fluctuations were observed.