Incorporating Horizontal Density Variations into Large-scale Modelling
of Ice Masses
Gravity-driven flow of large ice masses such as the Antarctic Ice Sheet
(AIS) depends on both the geometry and the mass density of the ice
sheet. The vertical density profile can be approximated as pure ice
overlain by a firn layer of varying thickness, and for the AIS the firn
thickness is not uncommonly 10 to 20% of the total thickness, leading
to not insignificant variation in density. Nevertheless, in most
vertically-integrated ice-flow models today the density is assumed to be
constant, sometimes with an adjustment in thickness to compensate. In
this study, we explore the treatment of horizontal density variations
(HDVs) within vertically-integrated ice-sheet models. We assess the
relative merits and shortcomings of previously proposed approaches, and
provide new formulations for including HDVs. We use perturbation
analysis to derive analytical solutions that describe the impact of
density variations on ice flow for both grounded ice and floating ice
shelves. Our analytical solutions reveal significant qualitative
differences between each of the proposed density formulations.
Furthermore, by modelling the transient evolution of a large sector of
the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), we quantify the impact of HDVs on
estimated sea level change. For WAIS we find that explicitly including
the horizontal density gradients in the momentum and mass conservation
equations leads to about a 10% correction in the estimated change in
volume above flotation over 40 years. We conclude that including
horizontal density variations in flow modelling of the Antarctic Ice
Sheet is important for accurate predictions of mass loss.