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Seasonal cycle in sea level across the coastal zone
  • Rui M. Ponte,
  • Michael Schindelegger
Rui M. Ponte
(AER) Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc.
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Michael Schindelegger
University of Bonn

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Data from tide gauges and satellite altimeters are used to provide an up-to-date assessment of the mean seasonal cycle in sea level (ζ) over most of the global coastal ocean. The tide gauge records, where available, depict a ζ seasonal cycle with complex spatial structure along and across continental boundaries, and an annual oscillation dominating over semiannual variability, except in a few regions (e.g., the northwestern Gulf of Mexico). Comparisons between tide gauge and altimeter data reveal substantial root-mean-square differences and only slight improvements in agreement when using along-track data optimized for coastal applications. Quantification of the uncertainty in the altimeter products, inferred from comparing gridded and along-track estimates, indicate that differences to tide gauges partly reflect short-scale features of the seasonal cycle in proximity to the coasts. We additionally probe the ζ seasonal budget using satellite gravimetry-based manometric estimates and steric terms calculated from the World Ocean Atlas 2023. Focusing on global median values, the sum of the estimated steric and manometric harmonics can explain ~65% (respectively 40%) of the annual (semiannual) variance in the coastal ζ observations. We identify several regions, e.g., the Australian seaboard, where the seasonal ζ budget is not closed and illustrate that such analysis is mainly limited by the coarse spatial resolution of present satellite-derived mass change products. For most regions with a sufficiently tight budget closure, we find that although the importance of the manometric term generally increases with decreasing water depth, steric contributions are non-negligible near coastlines, especially at the annual frequency.
26 Sep 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
26 Sep 2024Published in ESS Open Archive