Identifying the most (cost-)efficient regions for CO2 removal with Iron
Fertilization in the Southern Ocean
Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF) aims to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from
the atmosphere by stimulating phytoplankton carbon-fixation and
subsequent deep ocean carbon sequestration in iron-limited oceanic
regions. Transdisciplinary assessments of OIF have revealed overwhelming
challenges around the detection and verification of carbon sequestration
and wide-ranging environmental side-effects, thereby dampening
enthusiasm for OIF. Here, we utilize 5 requirements that strongly
influence whether OIF can lead to atmospheric CO2 removal (CDR): The
requirement (1) to use preformed nutrients from the lower overturning
circulation cell; (2) for prevailing Fe-limitation; (3) for sufficient
underwater light for photosynthesis; (4) for efficient carbon
sequestration; (5) for sufficient air-sea CO2 transfer. We
systematically evaluate these requirements using observational,
experimental, and numerical data to generate circumpolar maps of OIF
(cost-)efficiency south of 60°S. Results suggest that (cost-)efficient
CDR is restricted to locations on the Antarctic Shelf. Here, CDR costs
can be <100 US$/tonne CO2 while they are mainly
>>1000 US$/tonne CO2 in offshore regions of
the Southern Ocean, where mesoscale OIF experiments have previously been
conducted. However, sensitivity analyses underscore that
(cost-)efficiency is in all cases associated with large variability and
are thus difficult to predict, which reflects our insufficient
understanding of the relevant biogeochemical and physical processes.
While OIF implementation on Antarctic shelves appears most
(cost-)efficient, it raises legal questions because regions close to
Antarctica fall under 3 overlapping layers of international law.
Furthermore, the constraints set by efficiency and costs reduce the area
suitable for OIF, thereby likely reducing its maximum CDR potential.