Mitigating NOx emissions does not help alleviate wintertime particulate
pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH), China
Stringent mitigation measures have reduced wintertime PM2.5
concentrations by 42.2% from 2013 to 2018 in the BTH. The observed
nitrate aerosols have not exhibited a significant decreasing trend and
constituted a major fraction (about 20%) of the total PM2.5, although
the surface-measured NO2 level has decreased by over 20%. It still
remains elusive about contributions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions
mitigation to the nitrate and PM2.5 level. The WRF-Chem model
simulations of a persistent haze episode in January 2019 in the BTH
reveal that NOx emissions mitigation does not help lower wintertime
nitrate and PM2.5 concentrations under current conditions in the BTH,
because the substantial O3 increase induced by NOx mitigation offsets
the HNO3 loss and enhances sulfate and secondary organic aerosols
formation. Our results are further consolidated by occurrence of the
severe PM pollution in the BTH during the COVID-19 outbreak with a
significant reduction of NO2.